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The emissions test group has members from many UK based organisations. Membership includes vehicle and engine manufacturers, oil companies, catalyst manufacturers and engineering consultancies.
At regular meetings the group discusses items related to engine and vehicle exhaust emission measurement. This includes debate on regulated emissions such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitogen (NOx) and Particulates but also on non regulated emissions such as NOx species, particulate number and size, carbon dioxide, other green house gases and of course fuel economy. The diverse membership means the group has access to a wide range of emission related information and many years experience of measuring emissions. The meetings are used to talk about worldwide emission legislation and test procedures, measuring equipment & techniques and common concerns. These discussions frequently lead to interesting debates between the members. Each meeting is closed out with a guest presentation on an emissions related topic.
The group arranges regular correlation exercises using a known vehicle across several vehicle emission test facilities to give members confidence in their test methods and equipment. This is backed up by a gas correlation exercise using mixtures calibrated by NPL to internationally recognised standards.
Members are also invited to use the equipment database managed by the BTC. This database allows participating members to contact others to discuss common issues and the hire or loan of emission test measuring equipment.
One of the key benefits to members is the opportunity to network with other professional engineers working within the automotive emissions arena.